Ahh, a true classic.

User Rating: 9.5 | Vagrant Story PS
When something like this comes along out of the bottom end of Squaresoft, and it's this good, you just know how good Square were and that the Enix merger sent their quality downhill.
Vagrant Story is the tale of Ashley Riot, a young 'Riskbreaker' agent who is attempting to capture a dangerous rebel leader of the band 'Mullencamp', known as Sydney. It's a great little story, wonderfully told and presented, much worth tracking down and seeing.
GRAPHICS - Wow, these are the very top end of the PS1, only joined by Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy IX, Chrono Cross and The Legend of Dragoon. The textures are detailed, the environments gorgeous, the lighting just sumptuous and the character models are magnificently rendered. Magic effects are sweet, a Square staple. Everything looks amazing. 10/10

GAMEPLAY - The battle system is an evolution of the sphere battle introduced in Parasite Eve, another amazing RPG. There's magic to cast and special sword (or whatever weapon your using) abilities which have a variety of effects and all look great. The exploration is sound, but the flawed camera runs it into the ground a bit, because it's a pseudo top-down view, and you can only rotate it to certain angles so sometimes you cannot see enemies or certain doors. But all in all, it's a truly awesome game. 9/10

LIFE - It's around 25 hours long if you move leisurely and don't rush it, and 30 plus if you're trying to find secrets. Rush, an it can be done in about 14 hours. There's special things to find the second time through, due to a new 'ability' of Ashley's. 8/10

Overall, an awesome game. If you like innovative, gorgeous action RPGs, track this down, you'll have a blast. 9.5/10