For me... the best PS game

User Rating: 10 | Vagrant Story PS
Many people say "FF7 is the best PS game ever!"... not for me because i dont realy like turn-base combat, but Vagrant Story (being in essence a turn-base too) have must of the things i like in a game... great story that suck you in, great movements (iven for today standards) , some innovation, great sound track / effects and of course... great gameplay. I remember expend hours of my live on this game... and i dont regret fact, im still play this game sometimes. If this game have a remake / port someday, you can bet im gonna play it all over again ^ ^, needless to say i highly recommend this game for someone with nostalgic attack.

( PS: sorry for my bad English and thanks for read my review =])
( PSS: i dont know what i played more, final fantasy tactic or Vagrant Story...)