What an intense game it is 6 years old now but never gets boring.

User Rating: 9.6 | Vagrant Story PS
VS's story, believe it or not, keeps up with the intense visuals quite well. The plot is as follows;
The gargantuan city of evil, Lea Monde. Said to have been built in ancient times by the legendary wizard Mullenkamp, it was once a splendor to behold, but has become a forgotten wasteland since the earthquake that struck 25 years ago. Now a battle was about to break out for supremacy over the legacy.After pressing the POWER button of the PlayStation, players are treated to a beautiful (and only) CG opener filled with images of a some random, scantily clad woman ("required" according to the textbook "What to put into Japanese RPGs") dancing around interposed with a dragon and a character (presumably our famed protagonist Ashley) fighting and using his weapon. However, unlike popular previous SquareSoft titles such as the recent Final Fantasy games and Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story does not blatantly use monster-sized full motion videos (FMV) throughout the game. Allowing the game to sit idle during the title screen reveals not only the prologue and the beginning of a truly amazing story but also the beauty of illustrating the cinematics of the game through just the use of the game engine. re