Absolutely brilliant. Another wonderful RPG from the masters of the genre.

User Rating: 8.8 | Vagrant Story PS
Vagrant Story is one of Square's finest games outside of it's Final Fantasy series. It takes role playing in a unique and refreshing direction.

Gameplay - 9
Hard doesn't even begin to describe the gameplay. Luckily this game has very good controls, or things would be out of hand. There is so much to manage that it will take a good investment of time to figure it all out. However, once you figure out all the systems, you will be in for a very rewarding experience. The storyline, from the mastermind of FF Tactics, is amazing, and has you guessing until the end. The battle system is intuitive and very rewarding. There are a lot of puzzles to be solved that will test your meddle. Plus the amount of weapon and armor customization is mind boggling. Role playing doesn't get much more solid than this.

Graphics - 8
The graphics are exactly what you'd expect from Square. The locales are very detailed and do a nice job of showcasing the various areas you explore. The character models are very detailed as well. These are very nice graphics for the Playstation system.

Sound - 8
The soundtrack conveys the emotional tone of the game very nicely. The boss battle themes do a good job of getting you into the fighting mood. The sound effects for all aspects of the game are executed in good fashion too. Another nice job by the composers at Square.

Value - 9
This game took RPGs in a unique direction, and the payoff was a wonderful gaming experience. From the unique battle system, to the wonderfully convoluted and confusing story, everything about this game will immerse you if you take the time to learn it's intricacies.

Tilt - 9
After playing this game, it quickly rose into my elite group of favorite games. I won't deny it's difficulty, but I will say it's well worth playing if you enjoy a challenge. All the other aspects aside, the storyline alone is worth the price of admission. Any RPG fan would be crazy to not try this one. I loved every bit of it.

Vagrant Story is a shining gem in the collection of Square's many excellent RPGs. If given the chance, it will immerse you like ever so few RPGs can. Pick this one up today, you won't be disappointed.