A deeply immersive and complicated action/stragey RPG .

User Rating: 9 | Vagrant Story PS
Sound 9/10 This game has one of the best audio presence I have heard in a game.Different sounds for the weapons,footfalls echoing in the catacombs,enemies moan and groan and clang,the music adds an ambiance that I have rarely seen in other games.Overall one of the best audio presations I have seen in a game.

Graphics 9.5/10 Rarely have seen graphics that go with the theme and content of the story then this one. Comic like bubbles for the dialogue,cinematic cut scenes that breathe life to the story,bosses that are unlike each other.One small problem is the design of the rooms.They tend to blend into one another and at times make navigation difficult.

Controls 7.5/10 There are no serious problems controlling Ashely Riot and the fighting is relativity easy to get a hang of. The menu system needs some polish.I found it difficult to use containers and create weapons because the menus were uninformative and to complicated to easy figure out.

Story 9.5/10 This is one of the best stories I have ever seen in a game.It felt like I was in an interactive comic.I loved the religious and philosophical discussions.The last third of the storyline blew me away with it's depth and intrigue.

Bottom Line If you like deeply immersive story driven games that involve religion.philosophy and political intrigue with a level of customization that though at times may be daunting is deeply satisfying and fun once you get a hang of it give this game a try.One note of caution this game is not for those who do not want to spend a lot of time tinkering with there stats and weapons.