The best game to ever grace my collection...

User Rating: 9.6 | Vagrant Story PS
To put it simply: Vagrant Story is everything I'm looking for in a game. I've had the game for five years, and it still amazes me how fun it is.

I have yet to see another game that is put together so well as this. The gameplay is so deep and the story so rich, that you'll forget that you're playing a PSone game. It is a true testimony that graphics and age really don't matter.

Beginners may get discouraged at the beginning due to the seeming complexity and the inexplicable ineffectiveness of what the methods they've used before. Vagrant Story forces you to master and adapt to the different challenges it imposes. It requires you to master the technicalities and nuances in order to efficiently dispatch the enemies in any given area. Failure to do so will result in death. Weapons and armor must be reforged and adapted. Specific skills must be acquired. And a knack for a quick threat-assessment whenever you enter a new room with enemies is a required skill that must be developed.

What about the story? Needless to say, it will keep you guessing even after the end. Then, you play through it again with the things you acquired through the previous game.

It is a great balance between battle, narrative, and exploration that deserves to be tried by everyone who calls themselves a gamer. Just add some perfectly balanced ambient music, and you're ready to delve into the dark hallways of Lea Monde.

The question is? Are you up to it?