Twisted Metal 2 is a fun car smashing game. Its a car battle game.

User Rating: 7.6 | Twisted Metal World Tour PS
The storyline starts out with this guy named Calypso who has set up a second tournament of twisted metal but this time it will be all around the world. The winner will get there biggest wish come true.
Twisted Metal 2 is a game that you control 1 of many characters which are controlled by a character in the storyline. Each character has there own special weapon and there own advantages and disadvantages as well. Some special weapons might include shooting a huge skull at your opponent' jumping super high' lifting an enemy up in the air' or even shooting a group of missles at an enemy. You can use many weapons such as bombs' missles' remote controlled bombs' and an ice blaster. You drive around a usually pretty big place in your vehicle trying to eliminate the other vehicles. You can play in many places around the world such as Paris' New York' and Antarctica. It is pretty fun hiding in certain places such as the Eiffel Tower and that you can even blow it up allowing you to get to ther places. Lots of weapons' blowing stuff up' and killing random people? Sounds good.
In addition to storymode there is a multiplayer mode which should make the fun last longer.
The environments are fully interactive. You can blow buildings up' get damaged by lava' and run over people.
Well if you like a good car smashing game that is more of some type of shooter instead of a racing game here it is.