Twisted Metal 2 is the greatest car combat game ever made, and always will be.

User Rating: 9.9 | Twisted Metal World Tour PS
There are many things that makes this game near perfect so I'll begin with gameplay. The fast paced action that TM2 has can not be compared to any other game, the action moves very fast but it is not confusing to the eye. The selection of charaters is perfect, and they are very well balanced(except for minion). The endings......WOW. Anyone who has played this game will tell you the endings are unparalelled, simly amazing, I can not stress that enough. The animation used for the endings are scary and the stories behind them go perfect with the charactors. There will never be a game with endings as great as TM2, never. Now to the sound, the backdrop music and everything in between is excellent. The varieties of music throught the game are prefect with the stages, how the people scream in the cars when they explode is funny but very raw at the same time. Overall this beats all car battle games, some car battle games come close and I take nothing from them, but overall is what im talking about. In conclusion if you have not played this game.......then you have a chapter missing out of your life.