It's simple, pure magic!

User Rating: 8.5 | Trine PC
This game is one of those gems which must be played. There's a sense of magic in this game which is rare - and don't let the 2D (though it is is 3D) style turn you off - this game is every bit as good as any "3D" roaming game. I got a bit nostalgic playing it because this is how games used to be - fun, simple and unpretentious. The game has its faults though - and there were some things I would have done differently were I part of the development team (and had a say in the matter), for example, the music seems to be on a loop pretty much throughout the whole game - even from level to level I always seemed to anticipate the next note. That said, the music is great though, and the sounds are perfect too. The graphics are so delicious that sometimes I just stopped and tried to take in all the details. There is something so amazing about the colours, textures and lighting that it isn't merely just an impressive backdrop, it's actually a fundamental component of why this game is so unique and good. I enjoyed this game - the story was simple but satisfying, the difficulty was just right (sometimes very easy, at other times I tried and retried a few times before I was able to do what needed to be done). The upgrading scheme is as basic as it gets, but it works. The enemy AL isn't the best, but trust me, there's super high budget games out there right now which have enemy AL which are way inferior to what you get here. All in all, if you can get your hands on this game, then play it. It's like a good, fun fantasy book - after you read it, you will walk away satisfied. Cheers!