Innovative, but that's pretty much it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Trapt PS2
Hearing about a preview for Trapt for the first time intrigued me. Being able to set various traps to obliterate your enemies as the ever so provacative Princess Allura. Not knowing what to expect as far as the surface, I RENTED the game. In the end, I was thankful that I had not purchased Trapt.

Trapt isn't a visually stimulating game nor is it boring, but it can being repetitive in a few hours of play. The Japanese subtitle is endurable, but the weak storyline wasn't interesting enough for me to continue to finish the game.

During lots of events happening on-screen, there is a noticeable detection of slow down and/or glitches. Not much extras are included in this game either. I would have linked more options of . . .killing devices. The enemy A.I. are dumb at times, for they never do learn from their past mistakes but rather continue to chase you as if they can't think on their own (which they don't). Trapt has an interesting concept . . .but that is all that it is going for it.