Game for winter sports fants, nothing else!!!

User Rating: 5.3 | Torino 2006 - The Official Video Game of the XX Olympic Winter Games PC
1st when i try to play this i thought maybe i will get some snowboard;) not at all!!! no snowgorad!! only whAt i liked was graphics, sceletons, bob, biatlon... only **** at all was ski... again... lsft right, left right, left right, left right, as like rabit... dman **** it!!! why i want to skate like a rabbit?? all time just push it and ply like;) who like it??? i dont! i dopnt think many ppl like it! it was horrible bettew let me snow and and it all!!! who dont i need to ski like stupid girl witch parens wants to ski!!! why?? i liked to gety hit to top up to !!!
i liked mountain skiing;) it was fun;) get a trace as fast as u can;) but yeah!!! it was dificult at all! its not typical EA game;) easy easy shit to me!!! as like Hardcore gamer to me;) i liked bob itas fast FAST!!! rrealy fast but realy dificult to get 3rd place in normal;) its wery hard game to normal players as like me! iu tooked normasl and took just 1!!! place in3rd position!! man only 3rd possitoion!!! if i was wery best i woud took 1st place!!! i dont think anybody can take1st pozition in hard!!!its impossible!! myabe possbisible, but only in serval distances and only if you lucky... ok its not EA!!! but its TOO hard!!! man its impossible if you play every new game!! of cuz you can train till best!! but are you dont get borin of it??? i get bored!!! too hard!! better get in there live!!! get gold medal pf realy gettiing coolest snower snow sport!!! than just play tyhis shsit!!!! its onlly moderated shit!!! toto hard!!! toooooooooooooooooooo!!! HARD!!! deeloper think about another ppl! average player wont play this!!! its too hard!!!