The same old Tony Hawk Game

User Rating: 5 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater NGE
If you have played the original Tony Hawk Pro Skater game there is nothing new about this game to justify a purchase. It does look impressive on the N-Gage, almost an exact port of the original PS one game all the tapes and challenges are in the same spots as its console counterpart. The sound is not bad, there are some of the original tracks from the original game, just not very many of them. The game play is decent and works ok with the N-Gage Hardware. The only thing that makes it hard to recommend this game and the reason I am scoring it low is because it is literally an exact port of the original PS one game. There is nothing new and there are already better sequels to the THPS franchise. It is an impressive outing on the N-Gage, but they could have done one of the newer sequels instead of this port of the original.