This is the culmination of what the Tomb Raider series was trying to achieve. Great graphics, good puzzles. Good game

User Rating: 8.5 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PC
Tomb Raider Underworld jumps in where Legends and Anniversary ended. Amanda is still after your blood and the crazy lady with the wings is after something bigger. They have decided to work together against you as you seek for your mother.

The game has finally reached the point where I can say, WOW! The graphics in this game is mind-blowing. Each crevice and corder filled with detail. From lush jungles to underground tombs, everything looks fantastic.

Tomb Raider is all about puzzles. But in this case they opted not for almost impossible puzzles to solve, rather, they give you super large tombs that you need to explore to find the hidden switches, gears etc that might unlock one thing that you need to unlock another to get the door open...if that makes sense. I loved this. It just gave you even more the feeling of size and scale that's not been seen before.

The story line is pretty good, it looses it right at the end which is a shame, and the game is a bit short. I guess if you're one of those OCD types, you'll spend more time looking for the secrets hidden around the stage, that wasn't me I'm afraid.

Great game. Best Tomb Raider game so far!!!