Along with Ashen, this one is a must have for FPS games on the N-gage

User Rating: 8.8 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm NGE
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm for the N-gage is a definite step in the right direction for this console. The first TC game, Splinter Cell, really disappointed me, so I had my doubts on this one. Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised with how this title turned out. Gameplay - would've had a higher rating if not for the backwards-seeming controls. Shouldn't the move forward/backward controls be on the d-pad?? It seemed a lot harder to avoid getting hit in this one compared to Ashen, but other than that, solid control. Graphics - Very solid for this console, I liked the graphics for this game better than any game I've seen so far for the N-gage, no complaints here. Sound - the only real weakness in this game. Now part of the blame goes to the console itself, but Ashen had much better sound than this title did. Value - There is no better way to judge a value of the game than by the obvious way: if you're still playing it months after buying it. And for me, the answer is a resounding yes. The campaign isn't too difficult, but the challenges have had me playing this for a while now, great addition. Overall, this is the best FPS on the N-gage, but as the programmers get a better handle on the N-gage, I'm sure we'll see some better ones as time passes. You should definitely go get this game if you don't already have it.