This is a game very coll by Gameloft (R)...and one of the best games of N-Gage...

User Rating: 8.6 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm NGE
I´m portuguese..and i´ve an N-Gage...when i buy this game....i dont know nothing about that...but i start play and i love a great game... is a Tactical Shooter....I Recomend this game at all N-Gagers...i´ve finished the game and is too short in the missions...i spend around 2-3 hours to finish campaign..but..the challenges and multiplayer makes we spend more hours and hours in this great game...
In Campaign we have 9 missions..but 8 to do...because the last is a cutscene ...when finish we have challenges to complete..and this dificult, because we have chalenges whose we have time to do the challenge....other we have just one men..and with default guns....