Why don't any stores carry this game?

User Rating: 7.5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 DS
I had no idea this game existed until two years after it was out. I looked for it in stores, but found one at a used game store. I grew to love Tiger Woods games after I learned how to play them. This one is different, of course.
This game is still fun to play, but lacks what the other consoles offer with Tiger Woods. My favorite thing to do in these games is create my character and I love the announcers. This DS game doesn't have any announcers. It's quiet except for the sound of the club smacking the ball and maybe a bird chirping here and there. This game basically does not offer character design, although you can pick from three or so different size heads and a few clothes, but it really doesn't matter because you don't really see much of your character anyway. It has no close-ups or animated expressions.
Instead of using money to buy better clubs and so on, you spend your money on challenges and attributes.
The putting is more difficult. It seems nearly impossible to get a far put in. When the ball is near the hole, the character putts it in automatically.
The swinging is sort of fun because you use your DS pointer to do a backswing and forward swing by making a down-up motion.
The game does a good job of bringing the feel of being on the courses into your hands, but the other consoles offer more atmosphere and emotion.
This DS version has some difficult challenges; some of them seem impossible. I found myself in a glitch on the game, too, as I was trying to dig my way out of a hole and couldn't see anything but dirt and I don't know what.
But, it still offers some fun and is worth keeping for times when you just want to relax and shoot some golf balls on the go.