Can you get out Alive?

User Rating: 9 | The Suffering XBOX
Warning: The opinions expressed in the following review are NOT endorsed by anyone at Gamespot or any professional reviewer. I'm not paid for my reviews and I do them for fun. They may contain: Foul Language, Violence, references to farts, A lot of references to the word "Poo" totally bodily function loss, or possibly the total collapse of civilization as we know. Oh also reading these reviews you may feel the need to toss a Midget or start a Midget fight. There is a longer list of things that could happen but I don't feel like posting them here. You have been Warned.

Learning Curve: 30 Minutes

Score: 9 out of 10

I like to think that possibly the people who did F.E.A.R. played this game because I'll be honest prior to playing F.E.A.R. this game scared the living **** out of me. It's Dark and grim, the way prison should be, except the creatures from hell. That's right there are creatures from Hell, others call them monsters but I consider them Creatures from Hell. They take up the form of different forms of execution everything from be headings to firing squads to lethal injection you think of a form of execution and odds are it's here. The story is that your a inmate by the name of Torque who is accused of murdering his wife and two kids, the thing is he doesn't remember doing it and there may be proof of his claim as you find out later in the game. It starts off with Torque meeting his cell mates than there is a earthquake and finally Hell opens up on the poor guards of the prison, as you try to find a way off the prison you take more and more stress and when you can't take anymore your inner demons come out litterly Torque will transform to a beast of his own, when in this form he takes less damage and deals out more damage to his opponents, Torque will come across different weapons everything from pistols, to tommy guns and shotguns. along with different grenades and he will end up having a flashlight to help him through the game. I like the idea that the flashlight doesn't last forever that it does have a limit you will have to find more batteries if you want to stay out of the dark. Another feature this game has is the ability to switch from 3rd to 1st person view, in fact you can play the entire game in either views so if you are a FPS you can play it that way. if you like 3rd person in the way of Grand theft auto this game will happily accommodate you. This game isn't for young kids that's for sure the profanity is on scale of the Scarface movie although that movie still has the record for the use of the word **** It's also Violent this isn't a game for the weak at heart. They also throw some puzzles into this game but nothing too hard, over all I liked this game for what it is it's a fright fest of the highest calibur if you see this game I suggest you get it if you like to be scared ****less. It gets a 9 out of 10