The most disturbing game Ever!

User Rating: 9.1 | The Suffering XBOX
The game is based in the Abbot State Penitentiarie. I would have to say that they did a great job of putting the real penitentiare in the game. The graphics of the game are well done everything looks great in the game. The shooting in the game and the morphing into the beast is awesome. The story of the game is the best in the game. When you start the game you have a idea of why you are in the jail but you are not certain that you did what they said you did. The cutscenes in the game help the story progress throughout the game and that keeps the game going. You can also play the game as being good or being bad. There are different endings for how you play the game. This game is defenitely for the older adults because of the language, violence and the drug reference. The game is a blast!