Fantastic thriller with a compelling storyline that will leave you satisfied from start till finish

User Rating: 9 | The Suffering XBOX
I remember playing this game when i didnt know what else to get in the blockbuster that day way back when. I didnt know what i got myself into.

Usually i DO NOT play horror games like this, usually because i cant stand being surprised around every corner. This game pretty much freaked me out when i first started playing it, it left me with questions, Why am i here? Why are these things killing everyone? What the hell? and usually those questions pull me very deep into a storyline and they sure as hell did in this game.


This game is basically your everyday shooter with a certain twist, you can transform into this monster when sh** hits the fan, and trust me, you will want to at times. The gameplay isn't boring and will leave you wanting more every time


Even today these game graphics are pretty decent, nothing next gen of course but really good for a general game


This is where the game is really highlighted. Your this mysterious person named Torque, and the rest is history. There are three possible storyline endings, with definite re playability, this game is awesome.

This game goes on my list of classics for a great story told from beginning to finish.