User Rating: 9.6 | The Suffering XBOX
This is easily one of the most compelling games I have played in quite some time. Let me start off by saying that I am a fan of horror movies and I lean towards FPS games and games that are a little scary and/or creepy. I have been waiting a long time for a game to make me feel as uncomfortable as Doom did (I’ve been playing games for a LOOOOONG time; I’m kind of an old fart). So, I am obviously pre-disposed to liking this game and admit that I may be a bit biased. Even taking that into account, I still think this game is great! I've played Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame and a few other games that fall into the horror genre. This game easily surpasses all of them for both creeps and gameplay. As a matter of fact, it makes those other games seem downright boring. I’ve read some of the negative comments about this game and in most respects, I have to agree. Yes, the gameplay is not up to the level of a Max Payne, Halo, etc. And, yes, the graphics are not exactly state-of-the-art. But, if you step back and evaluate the totality of this game, I think you will realize that it is somewhat revolutionary in the way that it melds the horror and shooter genres. Again, I have to admit that I have a rooting interest in this game. Not because I own stock in Midway, but because I hope that this game signals a new era where we will get more games like The Suffering. If you are either a horror or shooter fan, do yourself a favor and give this game a try. Besides, what else are you going to do while you’re waiting for Doom 3, Painkiller, Silent Hill 4, Halo 2, and Half-Life 2?