User Rating: 7.8 | The Sims 2: Nightlife PC
Instead of keep on calling a taxi ever time you go out you can just ride in your new pimping new sports car. To go to all your shopping needs all over the new downtown feature. Go pick up dates in all new night clubs. New items like a DJ and dance floors this game has it all. With a new pleasure aspiration gives a lot more choices in your Sims live. With new vampire NPC's can bite you and you could also be a vampire. You can also go out with them which I think is freak-in weird going out with a vampire. This is superb game there is just nothing else to it. But there is still some down sides to this game. The loading screens are a little slow. After you play it for a while you get so bored. It gets really boring, most parts of the game you say Jim do that, Jim do this, Jim go here, Jim go there. Overall this is a pretty good game. I rate this game a 7.7 out of ten.