And when you finish University...Hit the dancefloor

User Rating: 9.1 | The Sims 2: Nightlife PC
There has always been this crazy bond with the sims to real life. You see, you control a computer mouse to makes your sims do what you want them to do. But its stuff you can do in real life. Like meditate or go to the toilet, but it appears that you can keep adding on to your sims lifes with a disc in a machine, and get a more up to date toilet or skill. This disc allows you to add a new city to your imaginery life giver, and a new skill to improve on. A oppurnity to find love in a someones eyes, or to die on the dancefloor. Take a meal out, get married community, transfer lots with a click of a button and get dizzy in a electric wheel. And yet while all this amazment and fun is taking place on a screen for hours on end, why not you? Why don't you go out and do all the above. But you can't, because Maxis have given you and me a rather different angle to look at of life. A second life of a few cartoon figures dancing. Yet Maxis have no new ideas for the sims, because it can always happen to us. So the development and the games brings nothing new to life, yet to us it does. It brings a new life with new choices and new towns, all of which could exist if we put our minds and heads to it. So what i am trying to say in a few words is that life is a computer simulation, which requires a disc to play. GOOD POINTS ON THIS AMAZING EXPANSION - Dancing, New Businesses, New Towns, New Socials, New Objects, and a new meaning of life
BAD POINTS - The long long load times for the taxi trip etc

Get it for a reasonable price, and experience your life with a click of the mouse