Is the game perfect? No its not. Does it have problems? Yes it does. Is the game fun? Hell yes it is! Online owns!

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest PC
This game has been getting bad reviews right and left and i must say right off the bat that i dissagree with them.

Yes the game has its fair share of problems, but the bottomline is the the fun factor is off the charts! The online brings back memories of Battlefront 1 and 2 battles with friends!

The singleplayer is also better then i expected, but its nothing super great or reall innovative. Thats not to say there is no fun to be had in the singleplayer, because it is fun to play thru a few times.

I would say if your looking to get this game JUST for the singleplayer, then its a rental.

But if you are a fan of Battlefront and online team based shooters then this is a must buy imo. Fun gameplay mixed with decent graphics and amazing sound.
Sure the graphics are not on the level ofCrysis, MGS4, gears Of War 2 or Killzone2, but they get the job done imo.

I hated Mercenaries 2, and i was worried about this Conquest game, as its made by the same people, but LORD OF THE RINGS CONQUEST is 1000 times better then Mercenaries 2 imo.

So go out and give this game a chance and dont listen to all these silly reivews giving it a bad score.

If your looking for a fun, addicting online shooter to hold you over under we get Star Wars Battlefront 3, then this is your game! Also if you are a Lord Of The Rings fan you should enjoy this aswell.

Overall this game is a 7/10, although that score might improve after more time with the game or when the New Content is available.

Its not the greatest game of the year and wont win any awards, but when i say "Its a very fun and addicting game" i mean every word of it. Very very underrated in my humble opinion.

Get some friends together and jump online for hours on end!