Bad lore, gameplay, and glitchy multiplayer ruin what could have been a great game.

User Rating: 4.5 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest PC
It sounded great on paper. Take an intresting universe like Lord of the Rings, and turn it into a class based multiplayer game. In practice, it fails.

Made by the same people who made Star Wars Battlefront, you select 1 of 4 classes. The strong and durable warrior, the quick and stealthy scout, the long ranged archer, and the supporting mage. Each is unique, but all take the LOTR lore and kick it in its elf face. The warrior uses special attacks with a flaming sword, the scout uses GRENADES, and many other things. And the special fifth class that was featured in Battlefront was unique for each team. In Conquest, the fifth class was removed, so the teams are all identical.

Game modes are the standard conquest, team deathmatch, capture the ring (flag) and hero team deathmatch. Pretty standard.

The voice acting is terrible also. Right when things look good, the weird, disjointed announcer voice comes on.

The mulitplayer is one big glitch fest, making it less fun than it should be.

Although a true LOTR fan like myself and find some enjoyment, it doesn't last.