More then suberb? Yes! Perfect? Almost.

User Rating: 9.9 | The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
"We Need Zelda! We need 2D!" Okay crowd, guess what? We got a new Zelda Title! The Minish Cap is here!

TMC does a good job in all 10 categories! Gameplay=SOLID! Graphics=PERFECT! Music= the only category this game does a good, and not a perfect job in, the music is just the main theme recycled over and over again in a different way, and what adds to the value is the multiple things you can try but not try in other quest, eg: finish the game without the remote bombs, (my very favorite item) boomerang, (and magic boomerang) Light arrows, Mirror shield, 3 hearts, and 1 bottle. Oh, and reviewer's tilt=10!

TMC is perfect in almost every way! 9.9/10