Paired with Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons is a perfect game that will impress anyone who has played old Zelda games.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons GBC
As part of a 2 game dynasty, this game is only half the fun. Oracle of Seasons is a great game that will impress all Zelda fans. Very few games surpass it, and rightly so, It earned a great score.

A simple storyline. Din, the Oracle of Seasons, (also one of the ancient Hylian gods in other Zelda games) is captured by Onox (who is called Knox in Oracle of Ages for some reason). If Din is incapacitated, the seasons, Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall, will fall into chaos and change at will. When everything goes wrong, One of three flames will ignite. When all three flames are lit, Twinrova will capture and sacrifice Princess Zelda, and Ganon will be revived. And you're gonna save Din and stop it.

Great, lengthy gameplay, a link feature with Oracle of Ages, and a great cast of characters (including Din and Link, who are two of the coolest characters ever) make this an instant classic and one of the best Zelda games out there. I give it a 10 out of 10.