This game is, hands down the best game ever.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
When I was at the age of 4 or 5, I use to play all of these great games, including Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, and of course the Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time. At this point, the only games that I could play were the E rated games, mainly because my mom was to worried that I would go out and shoot another human being with a gun, or cripple another kid, so what I would do is go to my cousin Amanda and watch her play all of these wonderful new games that were coming out. My favorite at the time was the Ocarina of Time (Which will now be referred to as OOT), this was because it interested me, the fighting was fun, the enemies were intriguing the music was so fitting to the area's. And now I play through it at my age (of 16) and realize that this game is so in depth with all of the characters actually having there own back story, and in the Shadow temple they admit that the land of Hyrule was not always the happiest place to live, the makers of this game actually put real life happening and feelings towards the game.

It's the fact that I 5 year old child and a 16 year old man can love the game equally that makes the game so good. Then there's the fact that it was a breakthrough in game, giving us the ever so used targeting system.