You know theres a problem when a dragon can't breath fire at the beginning of the game.

User Rating: 6 | The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon WII
There is no question this game is epic, but epic is not always good.

Tonight, Cloudkirby flies into the new year with The Legend of Spyro, dawn of the Dragon.

This is my first venture into Spyro's "Legend" series so if it sounds like I am talking out of my ass, thats why.

Spyro and latest dragon character, Cinder, were frozen in a crystal for 3 years. After they wake up, they find out that the world is at war, and everything has gone to hell in a handbasket. And to top off the "pointless plot devices" cake, they are magically chained together. The rest of the story kinda makes my brain hurt so i'll shut up about it.

The "Legend" series takes Spyro and gives it a Peter Jacksonian overhaul. Spyro is a series that both does and does not deserve it at the same time. It takes place in an epic world, but the original series played like a saturday morning cartoon. Mixed reactions with that aspect.

The game works like a dungeon crawler, with platforming sorta mixed in. Whup enemies, platform to next area, Michael Finnagen begin again. This borderlines "Believe it!" in repetitiveness. (Naruto joke) This is sort of remedied by the amount of combo's available to our scaly freinds. Attacks are creative, and the elements are very usefull, but they to get old fast. The game is not as hard as it is annoyingly frustrating. You will die A LOT!!! There are also areas of the game which will eliminate, or at least cripple, your ability to fly, forcing you to use the glitchy platforming they've set up.

The Bad:
Ready the chainsaw, here comes Cloudkirby.
Enemies spam with No mercy, The graphics are low, even for Wii, Its repetitive, level design is decent, but annoying, Levels can take hours to complete, puzzles in the game are so hard and often take twenty looks at the scene before you even get a clue at what you are looking at, Its repetitive combo's use shakes, so pulling them off is trial-and-error, and Spyro can only fly a few feet above the ground, so thats useless.

So Cloudkirby, you flame throwing genius, is this a good game?
Meh...good, but only worth renting, if you are a big Spyro fan, or actually watched all three "Lord of the Rings" Movies. I used to like Spyro, it was a great platformer, but he has gone the way of Sonic, Crash, and many other beloved franchises.

Have a Freakin' A New year ev'body