some obvious problems, but Spyro: DotD is a good game Real score: 7.8

User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon WII

Once again, Spyro's back and 10 years in the running (already? wow.). DotD does have problems, but it doesn't make it terrible. Here's what I say:
Spyro wakes up 3 years after the events of The Eternal Night, only to find that the land has been overrun by Malefor. Gameplay is nothing really special, but power ups and fury can be a life saver. Combat happens too often and lasts way too long. Enemies hit detection gives them an unfair advantage because you get hit before you can realize they are going to hit you, especially with bigger enemies. When you have less than half of your health and your about to get hit by a large enemy, you're screwed. Story is written very well, and i only saw like one familiar thing in it. So what? Controls handle well on the Wii, even flying is easy to manuver, though you can't abuse it but that i can understand, and falling to your death does not exist in this game (which is a good thing). Most reaction commands require shaking the Wiimote and the nun-chuck, problem is that sometimes it can get you tired. Great choices were made for the voice acting. Elijah Wood fits Spyro perfectly. Christina Ricci was really suitable for Cynder, though there were some holes in some parts. Gary Oldman still fits as Ignitus. One complain i have about the voice acting is Wayne Brady was a bad choice to play Sparx. Now that I listened to the soundtrack a little more, i gotta say, it's some of the best orchestral
work I have ever heard, and Rebecca Kneubuhl and Gabriel Mann's "Guide you home" is a very, very beautiful song ^^
OVERALL: I did get frustrated trying to defeat enemies by the end of the game because of the problems, but i did enjoy DotD and i think its a good game. Spyro fans shouldn't be dissapointed by this game. Casual gamers should enjoy DotD.