If you want to play a game that has lots of nostalgia, then play this!

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
Legend of Dragoon was one of the best, and I mean THE best Playstation 1 games I ever played when I was a kid. The game was kinda like Final Fantasy, but I thought that it was over the top! I remember when Dart, Shana, and Lavitz are in this "Limestone Cave", and you have to beat this really big snake, which was supposed to be the guardian of the cave or something, but I remember when you defeat it, the snake doesn't explode in blood like all the minor enemies do, but it shows and animation of Dart running towards it and slashing it with it's sword. I also remember about the "Virage" boss that you face in this "Volcano" location on the First Disc. I was so creeped out by that guy. The other most memorable thing in the game for me, was Dart saying "Double Slash!" Anyways, this game is like "Ocarina of Time" but for the Playstation 1. It's elements are evenly matched and they aren't just mashed together. The storyline was an incredible masterpiece along with the music they made for the game. This game is for gamers that love to play RPG masterpieces.