Overall, Dragoon is a lost relic of the Playstation era and for most should remain just that.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
When I was in elementary school, I was a JRPG aficionado, and Dragoon was just one of the many Playstation and Playstation 2 titles that I played in that genre. Out of curiosity, I bought a used copy of the game at a local video game store a month or two ago.

Dragoon proved to be a disappointment, unfortunately. The story of the game was derivative, and from the perspective of a 19 year old, quite silly. It was not helped by its obscenely inane and faulty dialogue either. The horrible dialogue and cliche storyline proved to hinder the whole experience of the game considering that much of the game is watched rather than played, especially later on.

The gameplay, while it was enjoyable to a degree, proved to be become numbing in its sheer repetitiveness by the end. Shocking for an RPG game there was no method to damage the enemy other than by using physical attacks. True, when you entered "Dragoon form" you could use spells, and there were certain items that could be used to attack or inflict status effects on the enemy, successfully pulling off a powerful Addition was nearly always more useful than the two methods described. In the end, the game was much too straightforward in its approach to combat.

Along with the combat, absolutely every gameplay element in Dragoon is painfully straightforward. Exploration on the World Map, for instance, is limited to only a dotted line that you are required to follow. If you want to backtrack, you must follow the dotted line through areas you have previously explored. Moreover, if you want to visit a different continent you have to switch discs to accommodate that. The item system too is very straightforward. You cannot create your own weapons by harvesting specific objects, like in Final Fantasy VIII and Chrono Cross (Dragoon's main competitors when it was released), you simply buy almost everything from the shop. There are no items that you can find in a treasure chest that you can't find at one of the world's many shops. There are also very few mini games, unlike almost every Final Fantasy game. Most of the mini-games are limited to one town in the world, and they serve no other purpose in the game than variety.


Story: The story is very cliche and silly. Most of the characters are too.

Gameplay: The gameplay is painfully straightforward and generic. 6/10

Graphics : They are mostly pretty, and can hold their own to any contemporary Final Fantasy game. The game's strongest point. 9/10

Art Direction: Most of the locations, monsters, and character designs are very generic, though they do look good. 8/10

Music and Sound: The soundtrack is good, though I could have done without the "heavy-metal-techno" songs during combat. The voice acting is absolutely atrocious, so I'm consequently very mixed on this issue. 6/10

Replay Value: N/A

Overall Quality: 6.4