fun and amazing this game deserves a remake for ps3 i want to see the legend of the dragoon 2 ...

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
oh man i had this game when i was 8 years old i would watch my big brother play this game, when i was little i thought the graphics where crraaazzy i never had a ps1 but i had a ps2 and this was the first game we got for it, so i never saw anything like this. i am replaying the game right now and now that i know how to read and understand the storyline this game is pretty epic by far the best RPG i have ever played, i am not a big fan of rpg's but this game is just so awesome and unlike other rpgs. the graphics are out dated but where crazy for its time and a remake for this game would be a big hit sellers putting elders scrolls on its ass, and the length of this game is CRAZY long for a 2000 game, also it has that never wanna stop playing feeling to it, the story is so good that u get a feelings for the characters like dart and Shana. the game play can get boring fast because u have to fight monsters all the time and u never get the reward feeling for beating bosses and the fights are all the same, and its really annoying when ever u walk about 5 feet u have to fight monsters :@ the fighting stages are fun but only for a short period of time. when u wanna save and have to walk all the way to a save point with non stop fighting scenes it gets annoying. overall this game is really well done for back in its please sony read this review and remake the game, this game brings back the best child hood memoirs. this is also my first game review i wanted to start at my roots of gameing so be nice thanks :)