Not the best RPG out there, but if you give it some time you'll probably enjoy it.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
Overall I liked Lotd and it did impress me in some ways, but it wasn't without some crucial flaws. You start out playing as Cloud, I mean Dart a pretty standard spikey Japanese hero character. He's got some generic problems along the lines of dead parents, destroyed home town missing girlfriend blah blah blah. Next thing you know you're on a big quest to save the world acquiring new party members additions and items along the way.
So the thing that I really liked about this rpg that I haven't really seen much in others is the additional system in which there are timed button responses to make your attacks complete and more powerful. You level up said additions and gain newer more complex ones as you progress. What they do is that they add a crucial element of skill to the combat that is missing in many rpg's. They also keep you active in the battles so they don't become quite so tedious like in many other rpg's. The characters were fine I guess, I actually liked them more than the characters in most final fantasy games and such, but at many times the bad dialogue and weak story make them incredibly lame. Another thing I liked is that the main character Dart is basically always in the party. Finally a game that appreciates making your main character a boss and letting all the others be mediocre, and I applaud them for that. The dragoon transformations were pretty cool I guess, but the magic scenes are way too long and I probably would have killed myself if there hadn't been an option to deactivate the transformation cutscene. The enemies were ok I guess, generic and even plain strange in some situations. There was one place where one of the enemies was a guillotine. I was more confusing and incredulous that they would animate a guillotine as an enemy than anything. There also is an enemy that resembles Voldo from the soul caliber series. And when I saw resembles I don't mean he looks like Voldo, I mean HE IS VOLDO, I mean seriously he was the same character moved the same and even had similar stats as Voldo, I mean come on! Anyway the boss fights are the best part of the game like in many rpg's. They usually manage to be pretty challenging and fun at the same time, although I felt that there were some that were very hard such as Emperor Doel and Leenus early on, and then they just kinda softened up late game with bosses like Lloyd, the Divine Dragon, that stupid butterfly thing, and even the final boss wasn't that tough but the fight took like 45 minutes and was really starting to piss me off by the end.
Now on to the bad and I'll start with the worst. The dialogue and mini cutscenes. You waste so much time in this game reading bad dialogue and watching character interactions. As an avid gamer I can rarely say I feel like I'm wasting my life playing a game, but many times in Lotd that is the case. I swear overall you probably spend 3-4 hours just sitting there trying to skip as fast as possbile through dialogue and plot, it's such a chore. What's worse is that to try and make the dialogue more realistic they always add pauses and have a million worthless lines where all they do is SAY ANOTHER CHARACTER'S NAME, I MEAN SERIOUSLY DUDE C'MON. This would be fine if I were watching a good movie or something but not when I'm playing a stock rpg with pretty lousy dialogue. It's also a pretty long game which can be a good or a bad thing. It took me like 60 hours I think, and if you really want to get all the additions and do all the sidequests be prepared to spend even more time, but it was relatively entertaining throughout, although painfully sow during scenes like the party in Fletz, and that horrible part where you're on the ship and have to find/talk to every character like 3 times.
Well, for me the good outweighed the bad and I stuck it out and finished, and it was a pretty satisfying play through so if you like generic rpg's and all that stuff give it a shot.