Best game I ever played.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
Exactly what my review deck says, best game I ever played, and will never be beaten. Unless of course I saw legend of dragoon 2 come out then I will be doing back flips and post it on youtube of me doing it lol, well maybe not the back flips but I will be ecstatic ! Man these were the best times I ever had on this game, best combat system and best story, the thing were you turn into dragoons is awesome I loved it, don't care what people say about what's better 'cause that's their own opinion, mine is about how this is the best game ever. No more about saying oh final fantasy is the best, screw that, it was a good game, but to me once again, lod is a better rpg. The year that the next one is announced though, I'm sure that all those nay sayers out there are going to buy the game and are going to love it, or it could all go down hill ahaha, but w.e. because I still got legend of dragoon :)