are you kidding?

User Rating: 3.5 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind XBOX
a realative gave me this game for free and it still cost to much, i tried my hardest to like htis game but i just cant imagine this game being any fun, even back in the day, the controlls are some of the worst iv ever seen, the graphics are mediocre( even for 2003), and the combat is BORING, BORING....VERY BORING!! there is allot to do in the game however as morrowind is a huge place (which isnt necessarily a good thing, as your character can often be slow and feeble). there are also many quests in the game offering pleanty to do, but personally i found the combat jsut to boring to try and conquer. Being as massive as it is, the lack of multiplayer or any sort of gratification for puting hours of time in is also ubexcusable. There is pleanty to do in the massive lang of morrowind, especially boring combat and all around sucking. im sorry to say that this game is a dissapointment as i was really looking forward to it.