Within surrealistic puzzles and crazy dimensions

User Rating: 10 | The Bridge (2013) PC

This is not a regular game, this one for smart-asses who tend to explore something new beyond the everyday life and understanding. Take a look at random levels - all this object is ripped off from crazy imagination, that's one part of the game you can enjoy.

In this imaginary world you have to solve puzzles, starting from the simple ones and advancing to the extremely complex and tricky levels with many steps to solve it. I will recommend this game to mathematicians and other scientific community members to train and develop you brain! Black and white pen-draw images on you screen interact with mild and wonderful music, some sound effect of rolling balls and falling keys, leaving you marooned in current structure...

This is an amazing world you have to discover with just 4 keyboard buttons, I didn't completed it yet, but this game is quite rich with gags and very special achievements. Some levels - you just stuck, work with you imagination - try another approach... Good luck!