If you think bah... its just another MMO trying to beat wow when looking at this game THINK AGAIN!!!

User Rating: 8 | TERA PC
Most people look at other MMOS as a "oh another competitor that will fail like others" I must admit, I was the first person to say this. After some careful thought and massive research, I finally decided to purchase this game. I realized that the game is not even headed to compete with other MMOS like WOW/RIFT/SWTOR. Having said that, this game took on its own path, and redefined a new era of MMOS.

Tera, not only looks beautiful, but plays amazingly!!. The battle system is innovating, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. The quests at start zone are easy but it picks up really quick. If anyone is thinking of purchasing a new MMO i would highly recommend this game. I am an 8 year wow veteran, and when ever i play new MMOS or games in general i run back to wow. In this case I have not even thought about wow, and the reason for this as i stated above. Is that this game is not headed towards wow in competition instead is moving towards a more innovative era.

Grab the game trust me, its well worth it. The challenge in trying to find the quests are tough because most don't tell you where to go =) GO GO GO TERA GO!!!