The game that is better that any final fantasy. Don´t get angry with me, just ply it and try to leave it...

User Rating: 10 | Tales of Phantasia SNES
This game, made originally for the super famicom, released only in japan is a genuine RPG, that succeded in every aspect.
------------>The plot
The story settles in a village. Soon your character becomes part of a plot spinning towards a semi god called Dhaos who almost vanished men years ago. A lunatic opens the seal and now Dhaos is up to conquer earth. It is up to you to stop him. Not only in this era, but in past and future also.

------------>The characters
The design of every character is done by Kyosuke Fujishima, creator of Oh megami sama (oh my goddes! in america). Your principal character, Cless alvein is a young swordsman who is not very talented, and has to overcome a lot of troubles.
The rest of the party do take place in story all of them live as a team and are affected by emotions as the game passes, which gives the sensation that you can feel their emotions. Also, there are sad and fun moments in which you may look how each character shows their emotions.
All charactrs have a special function. Healer, archer, swordsman, summoner and mage. Depending on what you want on your party you will have to select one of them to be on the bench

------------>How it works
The game, while you are at the map, is a camera from the sky (view from above), however, when you engage battles it is a side scrolling battle, in real time, not based turns; this adds a lot of fun to the game, not to mention an innovate twist to RPG´s

------------>The controls
The controls are very easy to manage. Even when you need to control 4 party members at the same time. It is not necessary to explain battle controls here. Play the game and you will easily understand how the game works.

------------>Music and graphics
Even for a SNES chip, this game is way advanced. If you had to ask, it is sometimes impossible to guess whether if it is a ps1 or snes game, because of its graphics. Even in towns birds fly, dogs are roaming around and villagers look swift.
Battle backgrounds change as you move in the map, beaches to futuristic eras. Very impressive.
The music score is great. Not a circus-type music. Some songs are exeptionally great made, making you want to keep volume high. In battkles, your party talks as they need to. If a character is hit, it screams or moans. If a spell, or special technique is made, the player says the name of the spell or technique. Just amazing.

This game IS hard. Bosses are at the end of a iron tough dungeon. Late in the game, even if you have a great experience level, a bad mistake can kill you. So you have to be always serious when ypu play. No goofing allowed, just because you are strong.

The game has great extras. A secret villages. Tons of secret weapons (a porn magazine is one of them), skills, optional summons, and survival modes are things to make you play this game over and over again.

------------>Final comments
This is an atypical RPG. A mode not repeated and hardly bested. This is not an option to play. This is a game to play just to say that you are a decent videogamer. This is, as I see it, the best of its series