In an industry saturated with shooters, Syndicate stands apart due to some interesting mechanics.

User Rating: 9 | Syndicate PC
PC Specific:

Solid port. No mouse acceleration. Limited graphics options. plays fine though.


Pretty poor but passable. Typical Sci-fi plot.


Not your average shooter. There are a myriad of features.

You have hacking powers called breaches which allow you to disable enemy guns, hack turrets, force enemies to commit suicide and turn enemies against one another.

Your guns have multiple fire modes. For example the kusuragi assault rifle can toggle between automatic and single-shot. Other guns can lock onto targets or fire explosive rounds.

There is a cover system in the game which is intuitive and easy to use, similar to Crysis 2.

Gunplay is varied and great fun. The best part of Syndicate.


Horrible overuse of bloom until some parts of levels are too bright to see properly.

However models are detailed and levels look good but the stupid bloom obscures everything.


Campaign lasted about 9 hours. Average for modern fps. There is also co-op which can extend the experience.

Overall would probably wait for sale as it is not worth full price imo.


Not your average run-of-the-mill fps. Underrated.