While it uses the standard formula for an RPG, it pulls it off in a unique and very enjoyable manner.

User Rating: 9.9 | Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES
Super Mario RPG is full of memories for me. My mom is a teacher, and my best friend lived next door to the school. Every day I would walk next door and my friend and I would play SNES. Everything from Super Mario Kart to Secret of Mana to Super Mario RPG. I must say that Super Mario RPG is an insanely addictive and fun game that is able to match up with just about any RPG for the SNES out there. Gameplay: Super Mario's gameplay is absolutely perfect in just every aspect. Rather than simply relying on the Mario name to sell copies, Super Mario RPG follows through with some incredibly fun and addicting gameplay. The battle system is a traditional turn based system with a few variations. Timed attacks allow you to do more damage, and just about every 'flower' (magic) move involves interaction from you. There is no sitting in the chair watching as a character performs some long move, rather you are constantly pressing buttons and part of the action. While still conforming with the normal turn based RPG battle system of the time, Super Mario RPG does the battle system just as well as any other RPG of the time period. The story is another thing that draws one into the game. It amazes me with the sheer amount of work and detail put into this game. It seems that all too often a company would simply rely on the name of Mario to sell this game, but instead Nintendo and Squaresoft opted to make an involving and long plot worthy of multiple playthroughs. There are all the villains and heroes of Mario, as well as many new characters. Super Mario RPG's story is, in short, excellant. It is even comparable to Final Fantasy storylines... especially if you like Mario. Graphics: On the SNES, these graphics are incredible. A slightly 3d affect on the graphics that actually doesnt look horrible makes this one of the best looking games on the SNES. Sound: All the superb Mario music is present, along with many additons. It is not perfect however, as some sound affects can get annoying (if I have to listen to another hammer attack I think my head will explode), but overall this detracts little from the game. Again, the music is almost unmatched, even to this day. Value: This game is worth just about any amount of money in my book. Tilt: While not a perfect game, it is still one of the best RPGs for the SNES, and with all the other heavy hitting RPGs for that system, that is an exceedingly high compliment.