This seems to be the best RPG of all-time in my eyes

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES
Super Mario RPG begins yet again with the Princess being taken away by the evil Koopa King: Bowser.

In a collaboration with Square (now Square Enix) Nintendo created a brilliant gem.

Super Mario RPG throws Mario into the RPG genre for the first time. The result you may ask?

Quite amazing, which is an under statement.

The game is your basic turn-based RPG game. With a very unique battle system based on "Timed Hits".

Timed Hits are at a certain point when an attack makes contact. You press the corresponding button to execute a stronger attack and deal more damage.

All of the five characters come with a nice variety of weapons, armour, accessories and attacks.

Super Mario RPG is the definition of a perfect game. Although on the short side. The game makes up for it with a generic, but fantastic story line. Sometimes I find myself chuckling at some of the humourous scenes throughout the game.

If you are interested in the game, it's quite cheap these days. Since the game was released on the Wii's Virtual Console for 800 points. More and more people can experience this instant classic.