its not the the game itself, its just the VC port, and i don't have a classic controller so the controls are medicore.9

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars SNES
i am a HUGE mario fan, so when i had the wii points, i knew i had to get this. if this were the SNES version, or if i had a classic controller, this game would probably get a 9.0.
unfortunately, there are many places where you will have to run and jump, so you will have to put your hands in a very awkward position. so lets get on with the review.

gameplay: the gameplay is very fun and enjoyable. i really like all of the awesome attacks your party can do. they were way cooler than the newer mario rpgs. 9.5

sound: the music in this is AMAZING! especially the forest maze theme. the theme is epic enough, but add that with mario following an epic doll with an epic name through an epic forest with epic music and you get 1 word, EPIC!!!!!! 10

story: the story is also epic, with an epic plot, epic characters, and epic enemies. 10

graphics: the graphics are also AMAZING, unfortunately, it is sometimes very hard to see where the next path is, which is one of the biggest flaws in the game. 8.0

controls: this is where the game kinda fails. i don't have a classic controller so i have to use a gamecube controller, so it is very hard to do a run jump. also, some of the battle controls are pretty awkward, plus some of the minigames like the mine cart and the yoshi race are pretty broken. 5.0

replay value: don't know, but i think the game is pretty short, so it might have some. 8.0

besides the controls, you will have lots of fun with the adventure the WHOLE time, and with all the different attacks you can use in battle, this game never gets old.
although you might wanna get get the classic controller before getting this amazing game.

now that i have a classic controller, i can give this game a higher score! this game is a masterpiece!