A true gaming masterpiece and one of the best games ever made! An instant classic.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. NES
A true gaming masterpiece and one of the best games ever made!

An instant classic.

Super Mario Bros is one of the first video games that
I ever played as a child growing up back in the 1980's.

It brings back good memories. I first played Super Mario
Bros on my Grandpa Ed's NES system that he owned
(yes even in his 80's he owned an NES system with
SMB, The Duck Hunting Game and a few other
games such as a golf one, bowling, hockey, football
and even Zelda!

My Mom went out and get me one. Thanks to her and
playing SMB on my Grandpa's NES as well, my lifelong
love of video games began.

SMB plays well, which is that for most people it's not too
hard but not too difficult as well but just right.

Mario is easy to control and move around the screen
though some timing for certain jumps like over holes
or enemies can take some getting used to.

The levels are designed well and are very colorful
and challenging.

The music is just plain awesome and totally fits
in with the game.

The enemies are easy to beat though the bosses
are a bit tougher. Some secrets, power up's and
items are to be found in this game as well.

Overall a solid gaming experience that everyone
should play at least once in their life and a true gaming
masterpiece and classic.

I give it a score of 10 out of 10 for being fun, creative and
just plain awesome.