Even after all these years it is still a blast.

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario Bros. NES
Super Mario Bros. is older then me by about 7 years. So by the time I was born Mario was already an omnipresent icon of the era. Needless to say I spent many, many, many hours playing this and the other 3 Mario games available at the time. What I believe is my oldest memory is me playing Super Mario World on the SNES when I was two years old.

I don't even need to go into detail on why this game is great. If you play video games you know why. The controls are snappy. I THINK they are intuitive, but they have been ingrained in me for so long I'm honestly not sure how easy they are to learn.

If you've never played this before you should do yourself a favor and check it out. Preferably on an original NES, but the Wii download is a perfect emulation so that will do. I