User Rating: 7.3 | Super Mario Bros. NES
This is a Video Game Classic! This game is nearly 20 years old, and it's still a good game. This is considered the most famous NES game in the world. Gameplay: This is THE first Mario adventure game. Not many video games in 1985 were like this. You just run to the right, stomping enimes, growing with mushrooms and traveling through pipes as you walk through 8 worlds. This game is pretty long without the wrap pipes. But theres no save feature here, so you'll have to play a while. Anyway, the gameplay is still fun after all these years. Graphics: These graphics are outdated. When you compare this to Great looking 2D games today, you'll see that Super Mario Bros. graphics are mediocre. But they were amazing back in 1985, since most games looked even worse then this. Sound: Classic Mario tunes. But theres not much tracks present in this game. You'll be hearing some track over and over again. Conclusion: Dispite it's outdated stuff, i think Mario gamers will still find it entertaining. I recommend this game to almost any gamer.