Among the best Mario performances on GameBoy.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. Deluxe GBC
Super Mario Bros. on NES is considered one of the greatest platformers of all time, yet some people are even hailing it as the best game of all time. Then, we got Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. A game with the same superb gameplay and a game that is as almost as great as the original. GAMEPLAY- Perfect. It's the same stomping on Goomba thing, and the same entertainment as before! This is a blast to play in a extreme blast awesomeness. Multiplayer mode is pretty good. But the best part of the game is single player. The only boss is Bowser, and he's pretty easy and pretty fun to go against. Running, jumping and stomping, leads to the best games of all time.

GRAPHICS- Not too impressive but this is a remake and it makes sense to keep similar graphics. The graphics look great and a litttttllleeeeeeeeee impressive but not much. But this graphics still are good. SOUND- The same classic music....... then again I don't even hear the music. CLOSING COMMENTS- A brilliant Mario masterpiece. This game is among the first games to really pushed the GameBoy Color to its limits. Nintendo's mascot, how can we ever thank you.