The first mario game ever revived and improved! Making it the best mario game ever!

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. Deluxe GBC
I bought Super Mario Bros Deluxe a few years ago and played it all the time. I have started playing it again and as an older gamer I appreciate it even more. The endless fun the game manages to produce is amazing. The quality and revolutionary effort put into this game make it entertaining and addicting. Not only does it give slightly younger gamers the chance to experience one of the best games of all time, but it gives the old skool gamers something new as nintendo have added several features to the collection. They have added the lost levels, the chance to collect stickers from completing certain tasks, aswell as smoothing out the small errors the original included.

Graphics: 8/10 Graphics didn't really matter when the best games were made as the gameplay takes thought away from the picture quality. The characters look awesome without the HD quality we have today and prove that graphics don't always matter to make a game great

Sound: 9.9/10 Classic Mario music is always nice to listen to. It has a cheerful feeling to it which makes you feel good and calms you down when you get frustrated with the difficulty. The music suits the platforming style and the way the game is played. Pure excellence in music!

Gameplay: 10/10 Simple, but addictive. Those words wrap up the game quite well. Super Mario Bros started the long list of 2D platformers we now have to enjoy today. The gameplay is just perfect to suit the layout of the gameboy colour. The gameplay can be quite challenging, especially the underwater levels, but it is very fun to try and get past the many obstacles included in the game. They smoothed out the errors in the gameplay from the original and made it as perfect as you can get in gaming terms. The only thing that I would improve in the game is being able to go back further in the level. The game screen follows you and blocks out where you have come from stopping you from going back for things you have missed. The gameplay blew me away and set a high standard in the gaming world at its time. It had everything a game needs! Perfection!

Story: 9/10 I always remember those frustrating, yet classic words, "Thank you, Mario, but our princess is in another castle." Toad at his best! Although it was a very simple storyline, it is fun to play through the game and track down bowser as he rampages through the 8 worlds.

Overall: 10/10 It delivered everything a nintendo gamer wants, addictive, great gameplay, and a perfect game! Nintendo have reinvented Super Mario Bros and have evolved it into plain brilliance. They revived the Super Mario Bros series in a great way and managed to fit its brilliance in to the small gameboy colour. The game really got me into gaming as it was one of my first ever games. Gamespots review score of 9.9 was too low. 10 is what it deserves as I will always keep this game at the top of my list of favourites.