wow best game ever

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Bros. Deluxe GBC
this was the first game that i got for the gameboy color and i loved it i went through so many packs of batteries and i also went through two of the games because the first one got fryed and tyhen i got another one i played the game over and over agian and countless hours in the car going down to north caroline twice and this was my best friend the levals are not to long and not to short and the last couple levels are pritty hard that is awsome because it makes more playable and then the multiplayer is not that bad you race agianst ethier someonelse or the ghosts and as you beat the ghost they change colors and they become faster and faster until tthey become black and that means that they are at the max speed so have fun playing this game over and over and over agian. and over and over and over agian it is really fun. so just play it