It may lack of multiplayer, but that doesn't mean is not plain fun.

User Rating: 6 | Chou-Genjin SNES
I remember the time when I was a kid, the SNES era, when Nintendo was crowned as the best game-maker company ever! I used to play this game a lot with a friend I used to have. I've stopped talking to that friend, and I want to talk to him again, and I should! But I'm scared about what his reaction would be, because I was the one who forgott to call him so... Anyways! That's another story. The game is about our friend Bonk. Is the same story as ever, but like with more fun on it. OK so:
Pros: Good graphics. Just plain fun. Awesome powerups. Good gameplay.
Contras: Bad save system. Lacks of multiplayer.
Graphics: The graphics are colorful and look a little better than n Bonk 3:
Difficulty. the game is way too short and easy:
Addiction: The addiction factor is pretty good, but the problem is that the game is extremely short, you can finish it in less than a day:
Gameplay: The gameplay is really good addapted to the SNES controls:
Replay Value: Another problem I forgott to mention, you can't save the game! And also there is not Replay Value, but you don't need it though:
Variety: Some powerups and enemies make up the variety. But the game is not that long so a part of the variety score is lost:
Sound: The sound is good, just good:
Story: The same story as ever, you fight for the same, beatig King Drool again:
Multiplayer: Absolutely none. It would have been nice as in Bonk 3. But I think Bonk 3 was released after this game:
Conclusion: This game is fun, though the numbers don't show how fun it actually is. It's good for any Bonk fan who has a SNES: It could have had multiplayer though. It is also too short.