Summoner isn't the best RPG ever, but it does enough to make it an entertaining one.

User Rating: 8.1 | Summoner PC
Graphics are wonderful (unless you compare them to today's standards), and quite detailed. Almost too detailed really; when in towns, there is alot of unused space which is somewhat dissapointing. Combat, in my opinioni, is really fun. You have special moves, spells, and then normal attacks. Nothing extraordinary, but enough to be entertaining. Elevation plays a role in combat, with those on higher ground dealing more, and those on lower ground dealing less. There's also 'chaining' attacks, which is when you click right as you make an attack, which allows you to do a special move, and if you're able to click the same time you hit with that, you do the next special move, etc... There are 4 characters in all, plus a summon (you are the Summoner afterall), which makes a total of 5 characters in your party. The AI isn't half bad either, so you won't have to switch between characters too often (unless you want to). There are numerous summons that you can... summon, which can level up too. They start of extremely weak, so you'll have to level them up before they can really be effective though. If you can find this game cheap, I'd recommend getting it. There's really nothing that will absolutely turn you away from the game, though you might not be extremely impressed by it either. All in all Summoner is good fun to be had.